Data Dictionary

Hiring Direct Access Dataset

Update Frequency:  Daily

Table Glossary:

  • greenwich_master
  • greenwich_role
  • greenwich_tags
  • greenwich_titles
  • greenwich_role_mapping
  • greenwich_timelog
  • greenwich_salary
  • greenwich_fulltext

Table:  greenwich_master

This table contains all 1:1 data for each job listing populated at the time of initial listing.

Table:  greenwich_role

This table contains all roles mapped to each job listing. Roles are mapped from the Role Taxonomy. Role assignments are 1:Many.

Table:  greenwich_tags

This table contains all tags (job features) mapped to each job listing. Tags are mapped for the Tag Taxonomy. Tags are 1:Many.

Table:  greenwich_titles

This table contains all titles mapped to a job listing. Titles are taken as-written from all sources. Title mapping is 1:Many.

Table:  greenwich_role_mapping

This table contains normalized role data including job family assignment and US government occupational code assignment (US jobs only). Role_primary assignments are 1:1.

Table:  greenwich_timelog

This table contains all timelog data for each job listing. This table is 1:1.

Table:  greenwich_salary

This table supports PrecisionPay(sm) technology and includes expanded sources for salary information as well as published salary ranges. Salary data is 1:1.

Table:  greenwich_fulltext

This table contains the fulltext of job listings. This table is 1:1.